This morning wakeup 7h30 for a small flea market in a small village lost in the mountains 10 minutes from my house. With only 100 exhibitors announced, I had relatively little hope at the outset to find something. However, there was a booth with a guy who was selling games Famicom (de merde) with a mobile Famiclone, an Nes, a Vectrex with games, 2 DMG, Dingoo and a lot of DBZ figures, but when I asked a few prices, everything was “collector” and so hyper expensive. So I spent my way, especially since the M. was more than uncomfortable (the spears a m'a “how it is expensive ?” limit myself withdrawing products from the hands…). A good start which is nice in the morning… I confess that apart from some Mickey Parade and a manual Beaver Junior, I thought I would find anything else. But but but…
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Vide grenier you… Monday ! Vol-5
As of Monday 15 August, I realized at the stroke of 10am at a garage of approximately 200 Exhibitors to 15 minutes from my house. It was during a friendly meeting with a collector's corner who sold a lot of games at great prices, and with whom I exchanged my contacts and cut a flap. I must say that since I left Paris, I do not know many people in my corner of Southwest (“IRL” ? but what you mean ?). It was nice, so much so that I have never spent much a garage sale ! After Twitter, Here are a much better overview of my findings.
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Made in Korea Vol-4
Even the retro-gaming South Korean, with this time it's games 3 different consoles. First on the Megadrive, with 6 new games (New Zealand Story, Ecco The Dolphin, Ghostbusters, Eternal Champion, Phantasy Star II et III) and a Joypad Samsung. Then with a Saturn Virual-On still sealed and finally a Super Nintendo cartridge weird NES game full of. This post is again accompanied by a ton of pictures of these versions extremely rare, for your viewing pleasure !
Megadrive Games Asia

The peculiarity of these games Megadrive version ASIA, that is officially marketed by SEGA for Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand, is that they contain either Roma multi-zones (JUE) be zoned PAL in Japanese cartridges.
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Vide grenier du dimanche Vol-3
This morning there was a garage sale in a village a few miles from my house. Despite the threatening weather and a temperature giving rather want to stay under the duvet (12° this morning brrr), move was worth it. I was a bit scared because it arrived attic was rather small and could be seen far mostly clothes, the storage and collection of stuff “for old”But ... at the corner of an alley, I finally saw a booth, with no one behind, and a NES placed on a corner of the table with some cartridges.
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Megadrive games Chinese / Taiwanese / Russian

Last post on my purchases of retro games in China with a ticket filled with photos securities in box & notice. Pas mal of Bootlegs (unlicensed pirates) of course but also some exclusive titles developed in Taiwan in the late years 90 and some were allowed to exit via the English SuperFighter Team (Beggar Prince, Legend of Wukong… ). We will also see how, while being non-official, Cantonese Society in a ended up becoming, at least locally, itself to be copied later with products of lesser quality. Finally I will touch briefly on Russian market, country or Megadrive seems to have unofficially hardback after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This would explain why some cartridges produced in China have a label in Russian (I found a carton of Contra Hard Corps like this, you will see after the jump in ticket). A busy schedule but a priori, I think should interest, the most hardcore retro-gamers !
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Samsung Mega Drive : Super Gam*Boy !

Last Update: September 5th 2013
It’s been quite a while now that I have had some deep interest for the South Korean video game market. It first started a few years back when I moved to Hong Kong for a job at a videogames online retailing company. I started getting a few Playstation 2 and Gamecube Korean games because these were offering Japanese artworks with English ingame texts. That was until I found out about a retro-gaming market in South Korea. As a collector of Japanese games I found it very interesting to see that Korea had an alternative market of its own. And as a true Megadrive Fan I just went crazy when I found out about all the Sega games and systems sold in Korea under the Samsung license. I’ve already introduced the Hyundai Super Comboy aka Super Nintendo with my small collection of games to my French readers here and here and now the time has come to introduce you to the Samsung Super Gam*Boy!
Samsung Megadrive : Super Gam*Boy !

-Updated : 5 September 2013-
It's been a while since I was very interested in the video game market South Korean. It all started a few years ago when I moved to Hong Kong for a job with a large sign of the online sales of video games. I remember I bought some Korean games on Playstation 2, then on Game Cube because they offered the advantage of having a beautiful packaging, similar to the Japanese versions, but with a game while English. All was well until one day I discovered the existence of a retro-gaming market South Korean. As a collector of Japanese games primarily, I found particularly interesting the fact that South Korea has had a market exists for itself and do not party at all “Asia”. Of course, as a fan of the first hour of the Sega Megadrive, I was speechless when I saw the first photos of consoles and games Sega Koreans distributed by Samsung. I had already presented the Super Comboy Hyundai here and is and my small collection of games for this console, it's time for me now present to you the wonderful Super Gam * Boy from Samsung !
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