My readings of the summer

That's it I finally found some time to finalize a ticket that is in my drafts for over a month… I will present my reading of the summer with a selection of ten works very eclectic as this area of ​​the authors Japanese, French and U.S., for sizes ranging from manga, the pavement through the mook or the great western comic color, with soft covers, other cardboard… It must not vary the pleasure ? All en piste !

Yôkai – Dictionary of Japanese Monsters by Shigeru Mizuki.
From the time I was looking for doc on Yoka Japanese, and I écumais not really find my happiness, behold us what Pika Edition comes in small Dico 2 volumes. Just great to learn more about the origin of Kappas and other monsters of Japanese legends (Found in Ghibli, through the series Gambare Goemon, aux mangas de Rumiko Takahashi, and so on because the references are numerous…). In addition the whole is illustrated by Shigeru Mizuki (author of Yamato, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro / Gegege no Kitaro…) who himself made an impressive amount of research works.

Boulet Flight. 5 – The Scourge Flight. 1 – IG MAG HS 1 – TMNT BodyCount.
Good and not so good in this selection. We start with the best, Boulet Flight. 5, you all know this cartoonist / Blog otherwise shame on you, that's it… (but I'm cool if you do not know here are the links son blog). I read on the plane to Beijing (+ of 200 pages) and I laughed all alone in my corner more than once ! IG MAG Special Issue 01, one of the very best IG so far ! Stuffed trivias and anecdotes about our favorite games. A must-have to buy as soon as possible without any hesitation !
We continue with the worse, The Scourge… I never read the book but I loved the TV movie (like all other Stephen King also…). Well it is not really bad artistically, even if, for my part, I often prefer black and white “cracra” the Walking Dead for example. Not, in fact it is mostly it happens NOTHING in this volume 1… and each volume costs about € 15 for 80 pages only ! So it's a shame but I'll stop there. And finally my big big disappointment : TMNT Bodycount. Pretty average story, Retail Color “bizarre”, impression A chier (Some pages are printed in duplicate and therefore lacking), overall quality of the book SHITTY. However, I am a great enthusiast of the Ninja Turtles but now I'm really disappointed with the work Heavy Metal Magazine Own reprint. I hope Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Volume 1 , pre-ordered since its announcement will be much better (prince oui! because it will IDW Publishing who will publish the book on this one).

Julia that Roem, the latest album Enki Bilal. A true masterpiece again, each case deserves a post expansion… an album darker tone than previous. Then the Moebius (I've never read…) with two albums, Arzach and The holiday carries greater. And the last IG MAG.

Finally, I can not resist the urge to introduce also 2 books offered by my little wife my birthday. We start with The Donald Duck Dynastie, take 1. The first volume of a complete being published about the adventures of my favorite duck : Donald Duck (Quackshoooot ! Nerd). In fact I still party casual readers Mickey Parade… I also back as soon as I can when I do the garage sale.

A beautiful full keypad to crack and full color, beautifully bound, a future collector I tell you !


When I speak of “keypad” here's the proof image ^ ^, loan 400 pages still !

Then a little bit of heart with this book on electronic games made by a Kulteur I followed before club gamers. “The book of computer games” was realized only, self-publishing via the website It is a bit pricey (m’en fiche on me l’a offert hehe) but very rich in content and does not overlap with the Pix works since it deals with many other brands. This is the kind of initiative that gives pleasure !

Thus ends this little overview of my current readings (I have not done any !). Who knows ? Perhaps you'll find your happiness Smile

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6 thoughts on “My readings of the summer

  1. For my part, je retiens Yôkai – Le Dictionnaire des Monstres Japonais par Shigeru Mizuki, l’intégrale Carl Barks (surement le plus grand dessinateur de la bande des palmipèdes de Disney) et le livre des jeux électroniques (le dernier IG et le hors série ayant déjà été goulument avalés Silly )

  2. Quackshooooot ! In Love
    J’adore toutes les productions de Disney, et ton gros pavé à l’air impressionnant (t’as bien choisis ta femme ça va Yes ).

    Le mienne lis également les notes de Boulet, jamais eu le temps/la motivation de m’y mettre.
    Le livre sur les Yokai à l’air super intéressant, en plus je cherchais à en apprendre un peu plus sur ces mythologies, je le bookmark pour plus tard merci pour l’info ! Smile

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