Last post on my purchases of retro games in China with a ticket filled with photos securities in box & notice. Pas mal of Bootlegs (unlicensed pirates) of course but also some exclusive titles developed in Taiwan in the late years 90 and some were allowed to exit via the English SuperFighter Team (Beggar Prince, Legend of Wukong… ). We will also see how, while being non-official, Cantonese Society in a ended up becoming, at least locally, itself to be copied later with products of lesser quality. Finally I will touch briefly on Russian market, country or Megadrive seems to have unofficially hardback after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This would explain why some cartridges produced in China have a label in Russian (I found a carton of Contra Hard Corps like this, you will see after the jump in ticket). A busy schedule but a priori, I think should interest, the most hardcore retro-gamers !
I will start by introducing 3 above games, it is all of those left on the picture. In fact these 3 titles were produced by the company Cantonese Winsen also known as the Guangzhou Li Cheng Industry & Trade Co (Li City, Guangzhou City Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.), Xing Xing Technology (Stars in Technology) ou Guangzhou Tianhe Yongsheng Co (Guangzhou Tianhe Yongsheng Limited). The company, you find the logo in illustration of this post, has assigned the right to produce and distribute games Megadrive, Gameboy Color and clones consoles. The quality of their product into the top of the basket of what I've seen in the field of games produced for the domestic market with boxes thick, with illustrations taking the road (box and cartridge), shimmering holographic, records in color, a plastic tray in games like Super Famicom cartridges and plastic with a good bill in Japanese. All games “Winsen” are translated into Chinese, and propose some changes including graphics at the Sega logo (here replaced by that of Winsen) and screen titles. All RPG's backup function with a flat battery easily replaceable. I dug up 3 of these games I will now present.
Light Crusader (Bright Crusaders ) Sega / Treasure.
Beggar Prince (Xin Qi Gai Wang Zi – New Prince and the Pauper), a Taiwanese RPG exclusive reissued 2006 pair the SuperFighter Team.
Phantasy Star IV (Phantasy Star 4), one of the best RPG console.
I think all is relatively consistent from one title to another in terms of layout. I gathered for you here an exclusive list of all games produced by the company Winsen :
For now we will see against other titles, still in box and instructions, but not produced by Winsen. I think this is copies of copies (fills a) because some games Winsen display the logo at startup and are translated into Chinese, but the build quality of the whole is very weak in contrast to productions Winsen. This can be seen at first glance by layouts messy, drawn to artworks, fuzzy, “bitten” Decision delà, to the instructions on taking a sheet folded in four cartridges and crude forms returning just in the console. But never mind, some of these cartridges still prove very interesting.
Phantasy Star II & III (Phantasy Star II & III)
Story of Thor (Light successor), Sun (New Genesis), Landstalker (Fam magic treasure)
The following games are exclusive games ever released Sega licensed. Most of them are RPG, S-or T-RPG RPG Taiwanese good quality made in the second half of the year 90.
A Q Lián Huan Pao (Q A serial bubble) & Legend of Wukong (Wukong rumor)
Feng Shén Ying Jié Chuán (Gods) a very good T-RPG Shining Force to which I invite you to read the excellent test on Ptitcerf
Shuihufeng Yunzhuan (Water Margin clouds pass) a very nice Beat'em All (magic with the Golden Axe), unfortunately found only in loose. A great little review of this game is here (English only).
Also found, Bootleg in the box without instructions Castle of Illusion (Mickey Mouse – Mickey – the SEGA logo at startup has been removed) Contra Hard Corps and in Russian (ROM contains the Japanese, best).
This last image allows me to chain on the Megadrive in Russia. I explained how, China, some companies mounted legally did their business on the Famicom video game, GameBoy and Megadrive without worrying at all notions of copyright or copyrights. All manner of selling the original license was banned in China, often simply because they were Japanese-Americans or… So the only way for a little Chinese to play the games was to rely on this kind of unscrupulous companies. I say unscrupulous because these companies have not embarrassed to irrigate all of Asia, FSU, Latin America and the Middle East with their pirate cartridges ! Like a snowball effect, and since these products were not distributed officially in place in the former USSR (The originals are then import findable but overpriced) a chain of shops named “Steepler” began to provide in China and distribute clones and bootlegs games under the brand “Dendy” in its high street shops throughout the country (Moscow, Kiev Ukraine s, Nishniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata, Magnitogorsk, Kemerovo, Belgorog, Yekaterinburg… ). Brief, as you would at home, legally, in a circuit classical supplier-distributor. That's why there are a number of games and consoles Megadrive Russians, made in China. Here are some videos Russians, subtitled in English, I find really interesting. The first shows a couple who came to buy a “Dendy” for their kid, the second 3 kids interviewed in a boutique Brand Dendy and dreaming to get their hands on a Sega Megadrive. The interview is at the time, home, we bavions already on the Playstation or Saturn, but what is funny is that one of the kids said they were also aware of the existence of these new machines but they cost just the eyes of the head (at one point the presenter talks about 80 000 rubles a little grandma came for a gift for his little son, this is more than 2000 € !!!). The last video is nothing more than an interview with the leader of the brand Dendy.
These clones (and games) are still available elsewhere. Proof, Here is a clone of Sega Genesis 2 I bought about 6 euros in Beijing, but I unfortunately had to leave there by lack of space. Also some loose cartridges purchased for “not to damage my originals” some of which are very expensive (snow bros, alien soldier, rockman… ) and have the enormous advantage of being completely region free !
EDITION of 08/03/2013 :
Here is 2 games “Sega Dendy” (Megadrive) Russians acquired recement, evidence that these games are still actively products currently in Russia and China. Darkwing Duck being ported over recent (2012) NES game of the same name.
Darkwing Duck :
Some links for further :
Here, like what, traveling is still discovering things about the retro-gaming

Really great tone Blog, I can not stop to learn full
Hi ! I myself had the same “chance” to have had hands that false megadrive2, thanks to a military friend who brought me to Iran for a few euros as. I have too much hassle a quarter of an hour fiddling with son before having an after-image disgusting (there is a sheet to the image well on…) and being a very big fan of SEGA and particularly the megadrive, j'me am well split mouth inspecting this thing : finition sales, plastic way “discount toy”…And when have takes her in his hands, have an impression of…of…vacuum ! as if they had forgotten all components ! Information on the box are also funny because they promise something like 1000 Games Included, and in reality are merely duplicates 4 or 5 different games. By cons I have not had the courage to put my tapes in the slot… I discovered your blog couple of days ago, and being a gaming purist 90's and CRT , I love ! good luck
This feeling of emptiness marked me too hehe. I have not had time to open the console to see how it was done for in, but it must be worth a visit. And I have not spoken cables levers that are ultra thin and measure something like 50cm long only !
The box is quite funny, much like the console, from afar it looks like the real, but at the retail level there is too much of anything, between the sticker 300 games 1, the pellet Official Sega that resembles nothing, cover art chosen for both games Euro Japanese see completely bogus… I briefly stopped the massacre, it says it's cheap and it is always better than nothing in the collection when you're a fan of sega. These machines are part of the story also.
I hope you continue to follow the blog and comment on my articles so, In any case, glad you like it
I finally get to take time (since my return from holiday) read and comment on your incredible last notes. Your blog is quickly becoming a benchmark in terms of Chinese retrogaming, Korean and Russian now. I am speechless.
We do what we can, but let's say I'm just summarize what I read on various blogs by adding my own experiences. This is the syndrome :florent gorges: on MD
j’adore le sticker NEW 2010 on the megadrive
Super article .. I loved it
Here I bought a megadrive with Chinese 368 built-in games on aliexpress for 32 approximately $ 23 24 euro but why you did not take a suitcase enters ca you thrown the box and it is good ! ! ! and games as thou hast left ba
False Mega Drive also sale on aliexpress I already 2 and I also bought a Genesis 3 for 25 Euro Mega Drive games without integrated, the Mega Drive 2 built-in games, but there is that 10 I believe, et's Genesis 3 as he says in his article, it is true that the cables are crap but you can put the real cables and real joysticks Mega Drive is what I do and I can tell you that the picture is good I 30 euro especially Genesis 3 which is rare it's worth !!!!!