3 Movies for the Weekend

How long have I had not bought a Blu-Ray… especially strolling around rather than on the internet and even more without too knowledgeable on it myself before. But sometimes it's nice to be tempted and to discover new things to chance, besides, I admit I fell for Panic sur Florida Beach primarily for the retro design of his jacket. Ceci dit, to have ever watched 3 films at the time I speak to you (they will not last long… ) I can tell you that I have not been disappointed.

The first film to be attracted my attention was, as I said a little higher, Panic sur Florida Beach thanks to its retro jacket. Add to cart after a short ride on the back of the film to realize that the film was directed by Joe Dante (Gremlins… ) and the movie looks really funny. A cult movie and apparently available in Blu-ray exclusively at home for now. I knew absolutely no result but : we had a great time, a film that deserves its title of the classic years 90 and deserves its place in any library worthy of the name.

“October 1962, the Cuban missile crisis plunges the world into psychosis atomic.
Located just 150 km off the Cuban coast, City of Key West is preparing for the worst.
The tumult, Gene Loomis, a lonely teenager, awaits the coming of film producer Lawrence Woolsey horror. The latter must be present “Mant!” : the story of a man transformed into a giant ant after exposure to radioactive waves. Projected Atomo Vision, the event goes well beyond mere film show, Woolsey and takes advantage of the turmoil to sow panic room in town ...”

Only flaw, and it starts to get really painful with Blu-ray in France : no English subtitles available (but at least they are deactivated unlike Apocalypse Now… ).

Then Blood Brother (Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War), a film about the Korean War that I had already spotted leaving but that was swept under the carpet. Proposed at 9.90 €, I took the opportunity to finally take me. This is a great action movie that, except some special effects just missed, has nothing to envy the productions of Tom Hanks. If you like war movies / action / historical, it really is a beautiful film from South Korea.

“Seoul, South Korea, the early 50. Jin-tae is a shoeshine boy who spends its limited resources to the education of his younger brother, Jin-suk, he hopes to send at the University. All hopes of this family collapses abruptly 25 June 1950, when war breaks out between North Korea and South Korea. Jin-suk is forcibly recruited and sent to the front. Jin-tae tries vainly to intercede, and suffered the same fate. The brothers join the army of the South, Email equipped, malnourished, poorly organized, harassed day and night by a numerically superior enemy force and…”

And finally, Hardware, a Post-Apocalyptic Film (I love that about) low-budget years 90 and available only in U.S. or UK (So no VF). Bought ten euros on amazon.co.uk. Found in this film some Iggy Pop, whose role is not unlike a certain radio presenter of Fallout 3.

“In the future, a nuclear war has transformed the Earth into a radioactive wasteland where the sea has dried up leaving it as a post-apocalyptic desert. In the desert, A desert scavenger named Nomad discovers a robotic head, arriving in New York City, A space marine named Moses Baxter buys the robotic head from Nomad as a Christmas present for his girlfriend Jill Grakowski, who decides to use it for one of her sculptures. But all hell starts breaking loose, when the robotic head is activated and begins to rebuilt itself. When Alvy, a junkyard dealer discover the robotic head is a Mark 13, a military cyborg of a project that was abandoned. Moses learns Jill’s life is in danger, as the Mark 13 cyborg goes on a violent rampage in Jill’s apartment as Jill has become the the prime target for extermination. “

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2 thoughts on “3 Movies for the Weekend

  1. I do not know anything about Hardware…. I must see it ! Thank you for the info on the SS English Panic away on Florida Beach ! This film is just excellent and WORSHIP as you write….

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