Who has not in his collection at least one cartridge or console, a joystick or keyboard, affected by syndrome yellowing plastic ? I think everyone sees what I mean and I must say that it sometimes reaches incredible proportions, particularly with equipment brand Nintendo. The reasons for this are not very clear : A cigarette smoke ? Heat ? Humidity ? Temperature variation ? Some say it comes from the composition of flame retardant plastic that react to heat… Forget the methods charlatants (toothpaste etc.…), because after several years of research, small chemists have finally developed a mixture to get it all : le Retr0bright ! (with a “zero” and not “the”).
There are several months ago I discovered this page. The method seems rather complicated at first, and reading it I tell myself that anyway, I would never find the products you need to do… I then spent mode in Google, rummaging in the topic that addressed this famous retr0bright Forums English and French. The result of this research was very successful : some were thrown into the water before me and the success rate seems very high ! Furthermore it confirms what I thought, retr0bright this walk with three products very easily found in trade.
For my part, I have a Gameboy and a Super Famicom any two who slept in their bag / box, in the cellar for several years and that emerged throughout yellowed (especially the Gameboy!). You can imagine the frustration Grrr… Neither one nor two, I decided to un the first test with my Gameboy yellowed and a SNES Pad. Visible in-process on mon Instagram, the result was VERY conclusive !
That's why I decided to give you the recipe that worked to me 2 consecutive times since I returned it yesterday with my HK Famicom yellowed :
1) purchasing products :
• Hydrogen Peroxide 130 Volume (found in M. DIY, 1L for +/- 10€)
• Gallia Gumilk (at the pharmacy, I know how much I paid but it is the cheapest of the three).
• Poudre Vanish Oxy Action Crystal Blanc (the radius of the supermarket laundry, +/- 8€).
The initial investment may seem quite high but you will use very little Gallia Gumilk Vanish Oxy Action and. The latter can also reused for your machine so it's not a lost product.
2) The material that I used :
• a work plan that fears nothing
• the object or objects to déjaunir, dismantled, washed and clean.
• dish gloves for my little mimines
• a pinceau
A cup • cooking (de verre) and a flat (glass also)
• A sunny day without wind, and especially !
3) My preparation of the product, in sufficient quantity to a console.
In the kitchen of dispenser, I paid :
• 10cl oxygenated water.
• 3 spoons Gallia Gumilk (the spoon is sold with the jar).
-> there I “stirs” with the brush because the role Gumilk a thickener.
• a pinch of Vanish Oxy Action
-> especially not to add more as I did the first time, it creates a chemical reaction that will lather the product to no end if you use too much, So put in just, enough to create the reaction.
Then I mixed it all with the brush until it makes a sort of lightly foaming gel that I slathered on the console as homogeneously as possible. I left all under the sun for several hours and, when the result seemed satisfactory (just 4 hours for GB in full sun and 5am for the Famicom weather a bit cloudy), I thoroughly rinsed with clean water, hot, and allowed to dry in the open air.
4) the little things good to know :
• the wind dries the product, which requires regular board put a brush stroke with the product on the object being to avoid bleaching have spotted a result. For my part I ironed a stroke occurs every 30 to 45 minutes, even with very little wind (I'm a maniac).
• Labels, printed logos or stickers have nothing to fear, at least I have not encountered any problem with them while they were also stained Product.
• In case of contact with the skin of the product, do not panic (Finally, everything depends on the amount of course!), you pass under cool water. This will discolor the skin a little (white spot) who leave after a few hours.
• A lack of sunlight it is possible to use a small neon UV findable in DIY, I personally have not gone so far and I think the sun for a few hours is sufficient. See a full day under the clouds if.
In conclusion, this method works very well ! It simply asks a little time and a small initial investment. Look at my Famicom once recovery :

The “wahoo effect” I was hit hard by reading your article !!
I will check it carefully and take an afternoon one of these four to test.
Grand love her cargo
it really is a superb technical, at all nine
Memory, Gamers ready to use this technique had questions about the appearance after several years, and the risk of fractures, visibly raise enough (I linked to yellowing creuas !).
I personally patient, I expect the first notice to 5
Moreover silly question: does not alter the true color of the plastic ? The kind that whiten more than reason ?
The appearance after several years is probably too random to be defined as one who pushed the console to turn yellow at first. At worst it will always be possible to return to the retr0bright. For breaking the plastic retr0bright no difference, a VERY yellowed plastic will always be more brittle as an old elastic disintegrates after a few years. This is yet another problem that (materials and no staining). Finally my Famicom was quite yellowed, but not in crumbling, it does not seem more fragile than before, by it is against “'Chopping finest”.
The retr0bright affects only the color, surface, but in the plastic itself. When bleaching excessive I do not know, because it is necessary anyway to monitor the process along the way.
(What is also ?
My gameboy is returned to gray and white Famicom my slightly broken, their original color. Effectively 2 full treatment day in the sun, there is a chance that it goes too far, but would be crazy to try
Wahoo ! It is highly effective and I am amazed that we should put the milk powder for baby ^ ^
I had seen the tests and the concern is when there are several pieces 1 with yellowing, the other without, it does not simply mean the right shade.
Ideally, it is better to test it on a console yellowed.
By cons, it can not get the strength to plastic, it must always be as brittle.
Anyway, common for consoles in Europe, there are such quantities that a NES, a GB or a non-yellowing SNES are easy to find.
For consoles exotic, there is not the same story.
Personal saw the head of my Snes, (thanks to my brother that is flecked with paint as well as being yellow…), I think I did not test this at great risk… I just have to find time to do….
Clear that from a slight variation in color (I have not seen on my GB) and yellowing as shown at the beginning of the ticket there is no picture… it's worth it to make a phone retr0bright.
Very interesting article, to put in favorites
/Castaldi mode on
But it's huge !!
/Castaldi off mode
Finally a real test on this recipe as a sorcerer.. I will not be afraid to buy equipment from a bland cheap now.
Incredible, thank you for sharing, I knew absolutely no ! I'll see if it's possible to disassemble my Dreamcast to do the same !
I know one who will dismantle all of its consoles
Who said I was manic LOL
In any case the effect Whaouaaa and Famicom yellowed picture of your left and right all white is just mind blowing !
Very good tutorial ,myself having done indoors ,it works !!!by cons very carefully in the assays ,and for those interested yes it weakens the plastic of the console.Maintenant to see in the future if the console will rejaunir or not??? For my part I made the videos on YouTube retrobright ,I only share my experience for those interested. again congratulations for your tutorial !!!!
impressive !!!
I think my GB will also have the right !!!
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for me it very well on a dmg with the following products oxy water 110 volumes, which is an equivalent gallia novalac and oxy Action pink pot, the product obtained when a limit Action, 7 to 8 hours thus saving the product I divided the amount into two, here and thank you for this little tutorial.