T-Shirts Panda-Box

Here's a ticket that will definitely please you much. Anyway when I came across these t-shirts and this cushion cover, My heart missed a beat before I start to stack without counting. Deflection of Doraemon based hero cartoons or video games ? This is an original idea that I was hooked ! A 40 Yuan a piece as you say the only thing I reasoned in the end it was to think the weight of my luggage and instead I had left… otherwise I will have taken many more. Besides, I'll show you other designs in this post (an extract) and you will understand why I was like a madman…
Quand au T-shirt Shin Chan, he made me laugh so I went with also.
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Akira – Famicom

Ahhh this is a consignment I like : a retro game with a beautiful packaging, buy cheap (less than 10 €!) and above all completely at random ! I told you before that I would eventually fall for Famicom games… if you remember… here… with the adapter “Gyromite”.

Good, I must say that I am a big fan of master Otomo and that’Akira (Akira) is one of the works that impressed me most as its subject matter, his world and his music as it evokes nostalgia (early Japanim “official” en france). I remember one night my dad had brought the videotape of the film by surprise… one of the most beautiful day of my life the day he brought me the cassette Ghostbusters and Christmas where I got my Megadrive, evidence I will still talk about Nerd

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