Arrival in China & Shopping !

Here I am in Beijing for now 2 days, I have not yet moved too, time to get over the jet lag put me in the bath and celebrate family reunions around a few Tsing Tao, my favorite Chinese beer.
But we never change… soon happened that I came across the official GBA games sold in China under the brand IQUE and sold in boxes of NDS. Exotic versions still uncommon to be added to my collection.
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Vide grenier du dimanche Vol-2

Back to garage sale this Thursday morning of the climb with a garage located about an hour's drive from my house. The loot games / BD is meager and there was not much to put in their mouths except if you like to pay dearly for bins (PS1 à loose 20 euros, Thurs snes to loose in 15 euros, ® games and SMS 10 euros, BD between 3 and 4 euros each… O_o ok but not donc Merci). By searching I still dug up some nice little tricks as shown in picture of this post (there are for 13 euros… ). A flea market is a bit disappointing in its number of “specialists” of the sale used to bite me the node rather than its number of good people trying to rid their homes. Fortunately the medieval village that hosted the flea market was very nice to visit. The best deal I made is not in video games but baby equipment…

PS : I exchange the monkey island trilogy in a game against loose born in Loose, I suggest not much anyway ^ - ^