Super Multitap 2 Bomberman

Purchased as much for its design as its function, I finally fell for a Super Multitap 2 pour but Super Famicom. It is an object that was present on my Wish-List for a while and I finally bought the turning of a good deal (= I bought something at the base). In effect since Hudson Soft is no longer, I have to say right or wrong, that this kind of object was not about to see its price fall in the future, as already 3/4 offered on ebay are loose and yellowed… It was time to checkout, especially since a few months before I had acquired Super Bomberman 3.

It remains for me to find 3 other joypads (Euro preferably as the cables are longer) to take advantage of this last 5 Players. If you have rab do not hesitate to send me suggestions Call Me

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11 thoughts on “Super Multitap 2 Bomberman

  1. Super acquisition ! It is true that the form of this Multitap is truly original. Super Bomberman 3 is also very nice. Remains to get your hands on 4 friends and many pads for parts of madness Wink

  2. It is retrospective in the last IG Magazine who gave you the desire to provide you this lot ? Grin Anyway multitap Bomberman is superb (box and more) and your photos do him honor. I will also put me in search of this multitap (I do more but remembered I had had one when I was a djeun's) and a SNES with Bomberman In Love

  3. Bomberman, this is one of the games I play most Nintendo DS. The fun is still there in multi, and superbly exploits the capabilities of the machine (dual screen, micro, Touchscreen …).

    Very nice acquisition that multitap In Love.

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