Purchased as much for its design as its function, I finally fell for a Super Multitap 2 pour but Super Famicom. It is an object that was present on my Wish-List for a while and I finally bought the turning of a good deal (= I bought something at the base). In effect since Hudson Soft is no longer, I have to say right or wrong, that this kind of object was not about to see its price fall in the future, as already 3/4 offered on ebay are loose and yellowed… It was time to checkout, especially since a few months before I had acquired Super Bomberman 3.
It remains for me to find 3 other joypads (Euro preferably as the cables are longer) to take advantage of this last 5 Players. If you have rab do not hesitate to send me suggestions

Nice !
What I like the artwork of jap boxes !
Very nice and cute

I like the plush .. too good
This is especially the multitap I find it nice with nice face of Bomberman
By cons, it allows maximum play three coup ?
Non à 5
(4 the multitap and 1 on the joystick harbor 2 the console).
Ah ok, I saw only 2 ports on the multitap. A toi (and 4 other players) the mayhem !
Simply worship
It is true that they can are not easy to find , didst out for how the final ?
I got for € 22 to fpin little loan. It seems correct even if the box is far from nickel, at least it is
I did not know this little accessory! Very nice anyway and € 22 I also think it is correct.
Super acquisition ! It is true that the form of this Multitap is truly original. Super Bomberman 3 is also very nice. Remains to get your hands on 4 friends and many pads for parts of madness
It is retrospective in the last IG Magazine who gave you the desire to provide you this lot ?
Anyway multitap Bomberman is superb (box and more) and your photos do him honor. I will also put me in search of this multitap (I do more but remembered I had had one when I was a djeun's) and a SNES with Bomberman 
Bomberman, this is one of the games I play most Nintendo DS. The fun is still there in multi, and superbly exploits the capabilities of the machine (dual screen, micro, Touchscreen …).
Very nice acquisition that multitap