Arrivage Yahoo Japan Auction

Among the recent arrivals, which received a big BIG package of Korea in the week (details to come), I received another box from Japan. The latter contains a few weeks of purchases on the site Yahoo Japan Auction. This is the first time I order on this site via a proxy (intermediate) and I must say I'm quite satisfied both of the latter for its reactivity, but also with my purchases. Besides, I've since taken over the shop !

It took me a long time before taking the plunge and buy myself to YJA, mainly due to time I must confess. But finally it works pretty well even if it means being patient with shipments economic boats. I am delighted to have found some common titles missing in my collection for only sometimes 100 or 200 Yen ! Also delighted to have finally been able to buy certain securities or object that is never on ebay, or rarely, and then often far too expensive such as the unknown Gegege no Kitarou: Gyakushuu! Youkai Daichisen for Playstation (Konami title that has nothing to envy some Taromaru on the console competition with the time) or Akumajo Densetsu sur Famicom ou Goemon: New Age Shutsudou! GBA. I was also able to retrieve the posters HD Promo reprints of ICO and Wanda to Kyozou I had spotted in the friend Bababaloo.

A selection of play rather eclectic, I'd stay elsewhere in more detail on some songs arrival.
Finally, do not forget to read the excellent article / Yahoo Japan Auction guide the Wolverine Barjot on

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9 thoughts on “Arrivage Yahoo Japan Auction

  1. All that pretty, du Shinobi, du Wonder Boy, Castlevania du, Sol Feace, and then it Gegege which I did not know this episode (I have the Saturn version). And Robbit, it is the result of Jumping Flash?

    • Yes that's right, c’est Jumping Flash 3, I completed the trilogy like this Smile

      For Gegege I have an article on it being (I 5 in draft lol) with the GBA version. 2 excellent but unsung titles.

  2. Bel arrivage (as often …). definitely give you and you crave Neocalimero embarking on Yaj.
    You have received your package via EMS ? You got something to avoid customs fees, (this is what I fear most )?

    • I have not received Sea Mail that is sent in by boat. It can take up 2 months but it's really very cheapest one if you can wait.

      After to avoid customs, the whole is that your sender does not declare the parcel more than 45 € (duty-free, beyond which applies when VAT and handling charges).

      I put too much time to make the leap (several years even !) and I've finally taken in hand to find a good proxy and now everything runs well. By careful against it burns fast and when the bill comes all of a sudden this little surprise to top ^ ^

  3. Economy is either free or it is expensive but less than I have purchased 200 Super Famicom games to be ca 2 months and then in September I bought a lot of stuff with but little seems to me my friend on eBay Yamatoku normally I receive the package this month when I do not know against one day I had a concern with games Game Boy he sent economic arrived in France in a week stuck at customs 2 weeks we have not even contacted me and sent back to Japan the seller sent me the other games but I took EMS like that no problem

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