Samsung Gam * Boy, 3 small cartridges.

Here is 3 Korean small cartridges not commonly found in cheap. These are sized sets Master System / Mark III Japanese, ie with a box height and a different PCB, incompatible with our consoles Western. The Master System was released in Korea as the Gam*Boy and later in the year 90 under the name’Aladdin Boy ( see my folder on the Super Gam * Boy ), both in the form of a Master System 1 or 2 distributed by Samsung. So hard to find items, same as those in loose 3 games small games.

SDI/Global Defense

The Ninja (Ninja)

Double Dragon (Double Dragon)

These versions are highly sought by collectors. The most popular of them end up sometimes at exorbitant prices : one of them is part recement + of 400$ on the bay. Korea, The Master System was selling very well in his time : we talk about 130 000 units the first year its marketing 1989 (against 20 000 Comboy / Nes), and between 180 000/160 000 the 3 years (where Nes maxing around 100 000). Based on this success, many games 100% exclusive to Korea came out over there (I prepare a file in this matter also), and many ports of MSX games have also emerged on the platform in the form of compilations. These are cartridges where the big collectors snapped Master System. The 3 cartridges of this post are rare, but it is incomparable beside what I just mentioned.

Extra : Here is the advertising of Korean Master System, well “kitchounette”.

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5 thoughts on “Samsung Gam * Boy, 3 small cartridges.

  1. An article in crisp information Cool I did not know that the Master System was released under the name of Gam * Boy in Korea, and distributed by Samsung and more. What they were well behind the head giving him a code name as close (if not similar) that of the Game Boy ?! To enjoy the resounding success of it around the world at the time and sell Master System with a shovel on the back of a famous Japanese brand ?! Anyway thank you for this valuable information, and again, I would sleep less stupid tonight Razz

  2. Very nice these cartridges ! The visuals of the time are truly unique and had a distinctive style that is found unfortunately on covers of current games.

    This article also allowed me to see your file on the Super Gam * Boy and discover this console that I did not know. You have a sacred collection ! This is simply excellent !

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