Heart Heart Puzzle Happy Panechu! (JP)

Title : Heart Heart Puzzle Happy Panechu!
Titre original : Colo puzzle Happy pa kneaded Ju!
Console : Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro, Gameboy Player
Developer : Nintendo
Publisher : Nintendo
Distributor : Nintendo
Release Date : 2002
Number of Players : 1-2
Kind(s) : Puzzle Game

Extra(s) : The cartridge includes a gyro sensor. The latter is the core of gameplay as illustrated in this home video:

Ma Review :
Here is a GameBoy Advance title to name extension that probably evoke nothing to most of you. Yet I'm sure that you'll bust envy reading this article try!

The particularity of this title comes from the cartridge. Indeed it is the first GBA game to be proposed in the cartridge sensor gyroscopic movements. At iphone, iPad and touch screens, this technology can do but smile at the exit of game 2002, Nintendo then proposed to the Japanese players a concept of innovative gameplay (yet!) through this “small” puzzle game super catchy.

Thereafter, some other cartridges “custom” GBA will emerge to serve an original gameplay. For example Mawaru Made in WARIO (まわる メイドインワリオ resume this sensor while making vibrations! But we also remember Boktai 1 and 2 Kojima and solar cartridges, of Screw Breaker and vibrant cartridge and less good Yoshi's Universal Gravitation (which also uses the same sensor as Koro Koro Puzzle).

Above, all types of cartridges “customs” available on GBA.
CTF (we will call and) is as I indicated a puzzle game. Basically a sort of “Puzzle Bubble-like” in which to gather duck species with large beaks of different colors to make them disappear with joy (they then exclaim “happy”) and send his opponent. To do so you have the A and B buttons and of course sensor of movement of the cartridge. A can of fielding a new line of Panechu and B used to make the bombs explode and sometimes come with that will be very useful to explode “walls’ you sending your opponent. For the rest just shake his GBA forward, back, left or right to move this little world and create rows or blocks Panechu the same color and make them disappear and. It is a simple concept, where we made many gestures and feeling is very funny (even if it is played with the gameboy player if you want my opinion! Wink ).

In conclusion,
here's a game, nay a pearl, exclusively released in Japan, I discovered later on, but for me must have its place in the toy library lovers of Gameboy Advance which I am one, even more than it is findable at good prices and the Japanese is not a barrier. Nothing more nothing less. Go for it!

Tips :
Pour jouer à Koro Koro puzzle Happy Panechu! on SP (with the cartridge port on the bottom so). Past the title screen, select the rightmost icon ( Green ) to get to the options. Then, select the blue icon to enter the sensor settings. Finally, press and hold the following buttons in order: “Top”, “The” (left ear), “R” (right ear), “B”. A small jingle will sound and small message will appear. Press “Top” to change the direction of the sensor then “A” to confirm your setting. This setting will be saved automatically and you will not need to do it again each time you turn on the console
Oh I forgot, to switch back to non GBA “SP” simply repeat the manipulation.

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