T-Shirts Panda-Box

Here's a ticket that will definitely please you much. Anyway when I came across these t-shirts and this cushion cover, My heart missed a beat before I start to stack without counting. Deflection of Doraemon based hero cartoons or video games ? This is an original idea that I was hooked ! A 40 Yuan a piece as you say the only thing I reasoned in the end it was to think the weight of my luggage and instead I had left… otherwise I will have taken many more. Besides, I'll show you other designs in this post (an extract) and you will understand why I was like a madman…
Quand au T-shirt Shin Chan, he made me laugh so I went with also.

Before continuing, by presenting other reasons, render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, Indeed these drawings the work of a Chinese artist illustrator named Panda-Box, I also invite you to go find his blog here, You will be amazed free because apart from his brilliant diversion of Doraemon, This young M. is really good ! I found this info after the fact thanks to Panda-Box logo on this cushion cover.

A cushion for my future couch gamer who knows?

I think you have all recognized non- ?
Here are some other reasons, I think that, help you understand why the buying fever has taken hold of me by these T-shirts (two nods to neocalimero and Bababaloo hide in this selection) :

Admit that it kills them anyway In Love
I go through with a little humor with Shin Chan and fire Yoshito Usui.

Hard to wear at all times ? Response to Shin Chan : moooh nooon ^ ^


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10 thoughts on “T-Shirts Panda-Box

  1. Then I'm a fan !

    It's just awesome , I love that of Akira and Ghost Trick and as a fan of Shin Chan I will never tire of admiring its loaves Grin

    If you have a website where you can order , do not hesitate to know and created a Twitter account nondidiou !

  2. Alas friends, I can not tell you if they can order them online since I bought in China. Especially since the Blog of M. is all in Chinese so it may not be easy to find out from there… Ghost

    • Thank you for your answer……
      The next time, stock returns and open your shop European Pandabox Yes
      Seriously, I sent an email directly in English…. You never know that a poorly understood, He walked over to a shop where he sells T Live ….

      • Well I could ask my brother's girlfriend, Chinese which is, to make contact with him but hey if it should really worth the shot-because for ten Ts I think it is interested. Finally I'll see what I can do if I have time, as you say there's a small biz to rise Wink

  3. Ah huge! J’adore! I'm especially a fan of your cushion and T-shirt Saint Seiya! The next you bring him in a cargo ship and you take a stand at the Japan Expo ROTFL

    Actually if somebody has plans for those famous T-shirt… I'm all ears!

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