Et hop, Three new Blu-ray movies in the video library! The first box contains the 2 films “Crows Zero” director Takashi Miike, one of my favorite Japanese directors with Sogo Ishii and Takeshi Kitano (whose last feature film “Outrage” is really excellent also). Miike's films have the distinction of being always either hyper violent (voir Ichi the killer) or else downright unhealthy (I think back to Gozu… ) but sometimes comic fantastico (yokai wars, Sukiyaki Western Django). It is also to him that we owe the film adaptation times and my bad for not Ryu Ga Gotoku (yakuza). In 2 films Crows Zero, we are in the high school gang fight loubars : the “Bancho”. Another theme of violence so, but with some very funny moments, see fantastic (some guys are so hefty that is is simply inhuman!). If we could transpose a Beat'em all film, Crows Zero is the perfect example.
Largely based on the eponymous manga (it even inspired Worst, GTO, DROP and other manga like this), Crows have also had the right to his game on Saturn at the time, All Beat'em with a superb 2D whose price is unfortunately very high.
Note that apart from Japan, this case appears to be an exclusive French, it is zoned B and, From what I read in the Support Forums, many people we envi these two films. For once we are well served in the hexagon, and for 24 the euro 2 movies on, I was not going to miss!
Next comes the latest film from Pixar studio to do us the honor to come out in blu-ray (I think it came out only a week ago) : The Incredibles. I rediscovered this film commissioned by Disney with great joy for indeed I had not seen since its release. It is always so funny and it has not aged badly at all, Pixar quality short one and that's it! It's fun, long, damn good, for all ages, and blu-ray release is again on top.

Logically “The Incredibles” will be mine before the end of the week, and get closer (I guess like you) fullset to a Pixar ray. It only needs “Nemo” and “1001 Legs”. Sharply!
Miike, I began to follow its films from Hearing, this is not my real favorite my his madness has bothered me the vision of Ichi the Killer or the Dead or Alive Trilogy. Its very Torture Porn episode of Masters of Horror I was also well made uncomfortable. For Crows, I think waiting for the broadcast on Canal +
A part of the spin-off of cars, I have the full set Pixar for now. Nemo is provided? I did not take.
Miike is special, I confess that I would understand if we do not like, I for one love, it dared, burlesque, violent, bizarre, and often in excess, but very well run. Takes you remind me that I still have not seen Dead or Alive 3 I
The Master of Horror episode was very good indeed (the episode 13 if I remember correctly).
Finding Nemo is necessarily expected in BR but I still have no date in the release calendar. Cons by taking my Apocalypse Now and The Incredibles I came across the BR 1001 Legs…
I may be wrong but I feel it is released to general indifference (or too quietly) because I have not seen any announcement on the Net. So hop in the basket. It remains only to leave Nemo, and like you there is the spinoff of Cars that I do not have.
Bhe yes 1001 legs came out looking :
But I just thought that you missed him in your video library or I would have told you.
Well you will eventually make me fall for guys Apocalypse Now… grrr
Ah yes but I just saw it left only the 13 April 2011 home, I knew by the USA against it was available since 2009 (and big trickster is the version you own import from a lease).
Damn I did not blunder
I must say that it is U.S. or EURO kif kif Blu-ray… they have put the time to get him anyway!