Title : Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
Titre original : Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Title (other): Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Console : Super Nintendo / Super Famicom / Super Comboy / SNES
Developer : Nintendo
Publisher : Nintendo
Distributor : Nintendo
Release Date : 1995
Number of Players : 1
Kind(s) : Platforms
Extra(s) : Very VERY little information circulating on the web “why and how” this version of Hong Kongaise, and elsewhere, made all the more surprising, This is to my knowledge the only game to have been located in this way.
The PCB and the chips are stamped Nintendo ( best way to confirm that this is not a Bootleg but a PCB official, especially since this game works with the Super FX 2).
This Yoshi Island was distributed directly by Nintendo and not Mani-Limited, like some GameBoy games in Hong Kong or Super Famicom console and Super Nintendo. finally, logo “Super Famicom” used (with his silver gradient) is visible anywhere else in the graphics of Nintendo Japan. The game is in English instead of japonSuper Famicomspan class = "tr_" id = "tr_13" data-token = "Y29tbWUgbGEgdmVyc2lvbiBDb3LDqWVubmUgZGUgSHluZGFp" data source = ""> as the Korean version of Hyndai, as the Korean version of Hyndai, The record is full color booklet and on precautions in English but rather to “Super Famicom”.
Here are two versions of the rarest Super Mario World 2 ! Note the paradox of the Super Famicom logo on a box to PAL / U.S. and the Super Nintendo logo on a box of elongated Japanese SFC.
and you will find these games or ? on ebay there are Chinese games gameboy snes but never seen by cons coréain there in quite