GameBoy : that the backlight was !

If you doubt, Game Boy is not dead, instead for at least 5 years he made his comeback through a rather unexpected : the underground electronic music and movement “chip-tunes” and “circuit-bending”. This movement consists mainly divert electronic object, often former, and converting into a musical instrument (by the addition of components and knobs). So, Dictation Magic one Texas Instrument or an old Game Boy are sometimes found on stages as a tool and customizations made by these artists are often amazing : the most important of it is in my eyes the addition of a backlight LED.

Indeed, Further cosmetic changes such as replacing buttons, screen protection and custom paint job on the hull Posca or airbrush, there are many hardware changes to the first small portable Nintendo called “DMG” in the jargon (with reference to the serial number of this model).
The menu for these mods, we thus find LED changes, the addition of stereo RCA, l’overclocking et the backlight so essential for musicians on stage. But also and especially the creation of music programs for Game Boy, the best known is LSDJ, and various accessories to control it, in the image of this “keytare” this interface or MIDI :

Although musician in my spare time, I am first and foremost a player, That is why installing a backlight on a classic Game Boy I was immediately interested and I ordered a few kits as soon as I discovered their existence (especially the GB Light does not run the streets).
After two attempts unsuccessful personal, I finally have my Game Boy classic backlit ! This would never have happened without the help of a friend @ Retroblogueur (see his blog) to whom I sent a console and kits in I bought in early, so that makes it even raises the latter due to the success of his first experience. The installation of this kit includes a step rather delicate task to remove a film bonded to the back of the LCD screen to replace it with a polarizing filter. This is only twice I missed (2 screens GB good for the trash…) and friend Retroblogueur did a superb job : a big thank you to you !Smile

Kit V3 Azure asked

For more information I recommend you visit the following sites : : selling kits backlight, audio kits and components for customization DMG. (You can also listen to their first album here : : shop accessories and other electronic gadgets and components for DMG. : one of the portals of artists specializing in music based DMG, one with which I discovered many artists nice.
dmgs-r-us : a blog about hardware mods and chip-tune.

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3 thoughts on “GameBoy : that the backlight was !

  1. Hi Dentifritz,

    Thank you for your compliments. glad that you like it made. I got caught twice due to the polarizing filter, I had a chance of …
    I also ruined a screen by removing the plastic film, I took the time with yours, history not to gun down your console Sweat

    Your article and once again very interesting passage. Allez A

  2. Pingback: China – paradise poor retrogamer… …mais pas that ! |

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