Arrival in China & Shopping !

Here I am in Beijing for now 2 days, I have not yet moved too, time to get over the jet lag put me in the bath and celebrate family reunions around a few Tsing Tao, my favorite Chinese beer.
But we never change… soon happened that I came across the official GBA games sold in China under the brand IQUE and sold in boxes of NDS. Exotic versions still uncommon to be added to my collection.

For a little history, and just as Korea, the video games are “officially” banned from sale in China. Officially is in quotes because of course, Chinese divert rule by importing products from the USA or Japan (and I'm not talking about the so-cons, on which everyone turns a blind eye).

The accommodation is comfortable and well equipped ^ - ^

IQUE is a Chinese company Deal with Nintendo responsible for manufacture and distribute officially Products of the Japanese brand in the Chinese territory since 2002 (a sense of deja-vu with South Korea). Their first product was the iQue Player, a sort of handle Nintendo64 that plugged directly into the TV with several built-in games (Mario64 etc… ). A well vain attempt if you ask me, in a country where you are out of against-ways at any street corner (Blu-ray, games, brands of clothes or watches celèbres etc.… ) and where the official versions, more expensive, can finally be purchased by a minority of the population. I feel, however, (it remains to be confirmed) that the association between Ique and Nintendo ended because the Wii is now sold here by Nintendo and the Chinese have their own Club Nintendo-Wii-Shop.

However, iQue to be released in time beautiful Limited Editions Gameboy Advance SP and Nintendo DS Lite now highly sought by collectors.

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10 thoughts on “Arrival in China & Shopping !

  1. @ Neocalimero> oui en effet, this is not a fish eye but a very wide angle lens that I used in these photos (but I also have a Fish Eye with vignetting in the corners). I think the effect is interesting for urban landscapes with long vistas Smile

    @ Jack'o'Lantern & gt; China careful not HK and vice versa,fr, the 2 are separated by a border and are not managed at all like Wink

    PS: As well as youtube, facebook, twitter, dailymotion &co, many of your blogs are not accessible from China (probably related to hosting), So I could not go there during my stay.

  2. I see that you lose no time Grin

    Although I am most culpable with my stay in Japan , I'm really glad to see the related video game content that stands out particularly well geographically especially as I am in favor of consoles IQUE.

    It looks really cozy at home Yes

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