Chine J-3

More than 3 days before I left for China, impatience begins to gain ground, I can not wait to get on the plane on Wednesday to go find my brother moved to Beijing, China's megalopolis. I am tempted to say that I know well because China, besides having lived almost 2 ans à Hong Kong, I often visited the region of Guangdong and Guangxi Zhuang once south in the cities of Guilin (you know where to place the end of the story of Shenmue 2) et de Yangshuo, Xingping, Who is.

Some pictures of the area taken in Guilin 2007

But the country is so vast, has such a rich and fascinating history and is full of wonders so it would be wrong to say about the country. So I share 15 days to Beijing, the Chinese capital with the aim of going through the main historic and tourist sites such as imposing Forbidden City (which in still welcomed 24 Emperors!), the Place Tian’anmen (known in the West for his strong image 1989 d’un “rebel” defying a tank), and the inevitable Wall of China.

I also intend to see some more recent constructions that contrast sharply with the places I have served you equipment with the latest Olympic Games include such 2008 (Olympic Stadium in bird nest etc.… ).
Then, I intend to go shopping in the area of ​​electronic Zhongguancun (and make such findings Ique a retro-gaming tipiak). Of course I also intend to taste the local cuisine (very different from the fat Cantonese cuisine) and the Mongolian cuisine and the nightlife of the capital in its trendy bars. A sacred program that should take care a little fortnight and I hope to share with you pictures here during my stay.


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11 thoughts on “Chine J-3

  1. Ahh la chance !
    J’ai fait 3 semaines à Beijing en 2009 chez mes beaux parents, j’ai adoré la ville. Et je la redécouvrirai avec plaisir dans quelques temps, famille oblige.
    Pour les endroits à visiter, n’oublie pas le temple du Ciel (mon parc préféré, on en prend plein les yeux) et le Palais d’Eté, incontournables.
    Lost, j’avais rien trouvé dans le quartier de l’électronique, mais mon épouse n’avait pas trop l’habitude, ceci expliquant sans doute cela.

    Enjoy your stay, amuse toi bien !

  2. Merci à tous les 2, je compte bien en profiter un maximum.

    Passparla > Je n’ai cité que les sites les plus connus mais bien sûr je vais en faire un maximum en 2 weeks, mon frère m’indiquera les lieux intéressants. In the neighborhood of electronics worse if I find nothing I would order online on the Chinese web, I already spotting (artoys, 3DS etc.… hehe Nerd ).

  3. Nice trip in perspective and enjoy your stay. Wink

    For my part, it is a country that I will really like to visit there 20 years but my old master Wushu inadvertently disgusted me to go because he has repeatedly shared my disappointment (during his trip to China) not recognizing lots of places / old monuments now replaced by new or polluted by shops of all kinds and Fastfoods. Add to this the dictatorial policy of the country (on human rights and freedom of expression) publicized in the daily TVs worldwide, and I know I would not be comfortable. The worst is that I'm sure to be wrong and miss something interesting but I can not convince me. Who knows, one day maybe? Wink

    Anyway enjoy it well!

  4. It is true that industrialization, Real Estate, tourism are real evils for lovers of ancient China or provincial. The example that everyone has in mind are the famous Hutongs (typical old districts) Beijing who are shaved at great speed, giving way to modernity.
    When I went to Yangshuo you see in the pictures above, I remember thinking that this remark : “My god this is beautiful, provided they do not screw up while club-med…”. Some constructions are left to come bode well and I do not even talk to you caves where they make you hit the walls or touching the stalagmites and stalactites… mess Wealth. But we must also be aware of how people live in rural areas, we must not forget that China was at the same level as the rich countries of Europe in 19s, but unlike us she missed the industrial revolution due to wars… in some areas it is still a little middle-age, washed off in the river, we manage as we can to win her some daily yuan. Some attitudes are boors (but I met some lovely people said this-, and what we eat well in the pampas hehe). I am sure that I would find it back today things changed but I do not regret the trip, however, which remains one of the most beautiful place in the world where I had the opportunity to visit!
    But China is large and mixed and there is lots of places to discover, as soon as possible also, So you should not hesitate, it is a country which is still beautiful in all (if only one kind of big cities) and an incredible cultural wealth. Regarding the usual criticism of China, personally strength to hear I can hear more, -simply because the reality that I found on the ground is quite different from what shows Western journalists accustomed to the primary anti-Chinese propaganda. I met a lot of very poor but happy. All is not perfect over there, there has ugly things, should not deny, but and then ? As everywhere !

    Not sure I can convince you, but if you have the opportunity to see you there, it would be really stupid to miss such an opportunity.

    • Argh, as I expected your comments are super relevant and confront me with a real dilemma. Your testimony is a pleasure to hear, and at the same time I told myself that as a westerner was the sole source of information our media which nevertheless claim to be objective and free expression (Unlike countries such as China, Syria and Iran). Hard drive to make sense of things without saying that we are definitely sheep dependent on information provided by the media of our country.

  5. Benefits in many, I do not think I read how long you left?
    For my part, I do not know if I want to go to China, Asia is not necessarily the country that tempts me the most.
    My other half is from Vietnam, it is rather that there is my first choice (even my second, I loved it so much Japan).
    In addition, as was saying Neocalimero, it is a country that we know evil, in the sense that we know but believes they are wrong… So I think I have a distorted vision.

    In any case I'll be happy to read your travelogues.

  6. I go to the end of the month, or 15 short days.
    Vietnam and Laos are mostly countries that I'd really like to visit, but my number 1 is personal Mongolia and Eastern Siberia : the Lake Baikal. For China, I go where life takes me as opportunities open to me.

    Neocalimero> Media, you know it's a long debate that really has no place here (I would advise you some books observatory Acrimed to make you feel less sheep ^ ^ … ) but let me ask you a question, because she never asked this angle : What's happening, as a public figure or small reporter, when criticism or questioning a news media today?

    Here is an answer, what I think at least:
    Considering that media freedom is freedom in a country, these media is to them even “authority” (influence and financial, I'm not talking about small independent). Not to my knowledge it is, in Western countries, one of the only power that is now extremely difficult to criticize without risking violent reprisals media (What were found with the label of fascist because of that… ) . In a free country, all power requires a power-cons, politicians Media, the media…? Anyone, if you are an enemy of freedom of course! You see where I'm going, it's a little of the principle of biter. /end of HS Smile

  7. Hehe this is the time to believe ,

    I do not know much about China except Whengzou with my Chinese friends are from.

    In any case we can not expect better than Asian landscape to relax , I have only to wish you a safe journey friend !

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