Vide grenier du dimanche Vol-4

Latecomer to the scene and on the verge of returning empty-handed from a garage sale this morning, I ended up digging up something interesting on two of the last stands before leaving. This is not much, but I paid it a misery and especially like that, I have not had the impression of having made the trip for nothing Suspense

Therefore, as I said, it is only out of garage sale that I saw some interesting things video-playfully speaking. To start, I discovered off on a kind of a wooden crate Playstation 1, in loose, and a little cracra. Normally I'm not interested in because it is a Playstation console CD and I like cartridges foremost, -but because it is a console that has a fairly unreliable hardware. But good because I did not find anything so far, I approached to ask the price, really not much interest. 2Further €, she was mine, at this price I can even use it to hang on the wall in the toilet… Nerd

Playstation under the arm, I walk a few meters and there on a clothes stand run by two girls, a Master System II placed in the middle (console that I do not have!). I approach, and I see that there are cables but no controller. Well too bad when even ask the price… On I propose € 7… I smile sweetly and I show my Playstation saying I paid the € 2 here a minute ago. Without discussing, la nana dit OK for 2 € that somehow it rids Shock (ben good ok if you forced me to take, I take!)

Back home, I offer a large complete disassembly and a thorough cleaning both consoles. For Playstation, I confess I do not know what to do, but in any case it works very well, reads very well and this is a late review discs and FMV (SCPH 7502). The console has better really mine now. Quand à la Master System, I took the opportunity to have it removed to go immediately in 60Hz (2 welds, too fastoche as Modified!). After test, it turns out it contains Alex Kidd in Miracle World and works perfectly. Ah, and finally this is the only retro game I found this garage sale, it is The Game & Watch Gallery 2 I have already and surely will leave exchange.

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7 thoughts on “Vide grenier du dimanche Vol-4

  1. You made me discover something. I had the curiosity to connect my Master System 2 all such as yours and it also contains Alex Kidd in Miracle World. I had not even thought to connect without cartridge.

    Thank you Smile

    • Hop and I made you win a game then Wink
      Alex Kidd was the game included the most common, at least for us, but there were also some in Hang On SMSII.

        • Amusing :
          “Built-in games : Alex Kidd In Miracle World et Sonic the hedgehog intégrés dans certaines Master System I et II. A first version of the SMS I incorporated the bike game Hang-On and Snail Maze, a hidden game accessible by pressing the top button and 1 and 2 when starting the game console without”

          Apparently there's also been Master System 2 Sonic in. Chic

  2. Ah la Master System II, even when you put a cartridge from that time you still threw Alex Kidd Grin. Pretty fishing for the Master System and good negotiation :
    – 7 euros
    – Not 2
    – Ok Feed 2

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