2 GBA games that the Japanese are envious

And yes, know that the Japanese sometimes looking too Euro or U.S. games to complete their collection. The most amazing thing is that in fact are often games made by Japanese producers and studio for the Western market. Some of these games can reach are well chubby once marketed in the archipelago. I also noticed that Konami is often the cause of this phenomenon (with cheaper Tiny Toon, Sunset Rider and still quite expensive Snatcher on Megadrive & Mega-CD) but it is also the case of fire and Hudson Soft… Treasure!

The 2 games that I will present here are Ninja Cop (Ninja Five-O aux Etats Unis) Edited by Konami and developed by Hudson, le second est Tiny Toon Scary Dream (US) or Buster Bad Dream (PAL) published by Swing! Entertainment and developed by Media AG Treasure!


The first is a “Ninja-game” excellent playability good oldschool, not easy, which reminds me strongly GG Shinobi the excellent 1 & 2 Gamegear on. It is not easy to find these days, even at home or in the States but I would thoroughly recommend if you're a fan of the old Shinobi!
The Second is an action game in which we find really lug Treasure at both graphics a very fine, that the gameplay chained hordes of enemies and bosses one after the other. The difficulty is very tough for a soft supposed to go to a younger public. This game is very similar in many point-Astro boy from the same publisher on the same console, with the additional presence of a striker. A soft less essential than the first to me but worth a try.


Note in passing my GBA SP Famicom Mini Moddée with a backlit GBA SP AGS-101
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7 thoughts on “2 GBA games that the Japanese are envious

  1. I confirm Ninja Cop is simply excellent if you are talking about the series that was created for the Famicom (in principle yes)

    The only thing I regret about the Gameboy is the amount of games and astronomical evidence to the contrary the absence of a comprehensive database on the web that deals in its entirety

  2. My issue is mostly how you got get a GBA SP FAMICOM “AGS-101 in” !!!!! I find GBA SP AGS FAMICOM but that-001 impossible to find this version!!!

  3. If the author of the article is still there, is he could tell me how he put the glass screen famicom (with red outlines) instead of the one on the screen ags-101 ? For that I have the impression that this is fixed with glue …

    It would be super nice to meet me. Thank you. Smile

    • Yes yes, the author (me what) is still there of course.
      So I followed the instructions found here : http://www.playeradvance.org/forum/showthread.php?t=416

      The process is thorough and you have to go slowly and with much patience to loosen the bezel (the transparent plate). Like to pick up the new bezel, well Cadre Smile
      This is far from being feasible with the right tools, proof, I do and I'm not super handy (I've broken a DSlite wanting to change the shell is to say…).

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