Bogelins Mattel

Attention, after astujeux MB presented here I suggest another good large sequence nostalgia… The other day I stumbled upon a crazy thing on ebay… and apparently not many people remember these toys because I did not even have to fight to have the. Imagine that I found a “Boglins” Mattel complete box! You remember those kinds of rubber monsters sold in large cardboard boxes in imitation cage fawn ? At the end of year 80, just before the release of Gremlins 2, Mattel launched this range of toy, one could slip in hand and with a very clever mechanical puppet worthy of horror movies you could move the eyes in all directions, blink and move them to the mouth. Their eyes saw even in the dark ! In short it was terrible, we all wanted one at Christmas.

But I also remember that it would cost candy because my parents, Yet generous, I had finally given the small size brown (see the family tree of giggles at the back of the big box) much less complex. In the end I am equally amused with and then I had other than the one you see on the pictures below (those are the survivors of my room as a kid!).

The’INA, whose site is a goldmine, has also period advertisements of these great toys :

This is a trophy proudly enthroned in my retro-gaming space Nerd !

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6 thoughts on “Bogelins Mattel

  1. It's amazing , you got a knack for reminding me of childhood memories Razz

    In the kind retro toys , y'avait Jojo who also had a small cardboard.

    By cons of Mattel I can no longer remember what I bought (apart from Uno…) , y'avait a store hidden in the passage of a building in Paris , a true cave Alibaba , I wonder if there are still Mad

  2. I had had at Christmas as it seems ! I had had two large (gray and brown all this yucky on the third picture). It was really well done for the time and we had fun was take out the eyes of the head with my brother.

    Anyway good acquisition, the box is nickel Wink

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