Apocalypse Now Edition Définitive

Well it did not take long for me to love this final edition of’Apocalypse Now in Blu-ray… Although big fan of war movies (value of testimony, Commemoration AND entertainment), I hesitated to buy it when it came out because I thought that the version “mac-mini” enough for me. And then I finally cracked by seeing this box on the blogs I frequent, view its contents and also parcequ’ amazon.fr n'en demand 18 Small euros. It would have been criminal to download!

Let's go for a quick tour of this edition.

The first pleasant surprise of this package has the format that I find very interesting. In fact it is nothing more than a hardcover book of a hundred pages containing an analysis of the film adorned with pictures. This book contains the second and third cover the 3 Blu-ray Discs inserted in a kind of cardboard plates. The whole gives really want to delve into the world of film by Coppola and its implementation and I find it very clever format in its own way to showcase the film analysis.

I said, 3 blu-rays are in this book-box. 1 offers the film in two versions, “Apocalypse Now” (1979) and “Apocalypse Now redux” (2001), 5h second bonus which 13 cut scenes and finally the third offers him “Hearts of Darkness” (1991) a documentary on the chaotic filming narrated by Eleanor Coppola, the wife of the director.

In short it was well worth our money with this edition High-Def (and without scanlines… ). I close this post by mentioning anyway my regret that the numbering of this edition is a “loose leaf” and not to have won more in the numbered edition “1975” Nerd


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2 thoughts on “Apocalypse Now Edition Définitive

  1. Moi j’ai l’édition n°14557ah oui j’ai aussi pris l’intégrale Grindhouse (enfin fidèle au format originaldouble features”) avec les fausses bandes annonces et tout plein de bonus, mais en DVD car je ne voyais pas l’intérêt de profiter d’une image HD pour un film qui rend hommage au cinoche d’exploitation à la pellicule toute pourrave, granuleuse, abîmée et montée n’importe comment.

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