:addtocart: Ipad 2 32gb !

And here, l'iPad 2 is finally available 1 to 3 days, I finally ordered the latter ! Because I participated in the development of a iOS game recently released on the appstore, it was time that I team to test the product on a real hardware rather than Apple's tools. As you can see on the screenshot… I paid it € 434 instead of 591 displayed on the Apple Store, or 157€ reduction ! How did I ? Well let's say it is the big advantage of knowing someone at Apple, The drawback has been to wait until the machine is now in stock and available without delay (the Apple brand that customers come before employees, normal you tell me). Obviously this machine will serve me as the private level in many ways. The accessories range, I expect to have the machine in hand and use a little to see what I'll really need, but I have already ordered the gold and indispensable accessory : la Smart Cover (ordered China for € 15 instead of 39 the store).

Finally, and sorry if I bowl with a little but it's really important for me, feel free to test our game Protect the Monkeys, and especially to talk to him on your blogs, twitters & co. FYI the game seems to sell mainly Japan en ce moment (not surprising ? ). Monkey

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8 thoughts on “:addtocart: Ipad 2 32gb !

      • Alors aux dernières nouvelles, not, pas de version android, mais je vais redemander à l’éditeur ce qu’il en est au fil des ventes de la version iOS, ça changera peut-être qui sais Question
        @Linanounette> au contraire, point de craquage, j’ai été super patient et stratégique dans mon achat je trouve pour quelqu’un comme moi qui en avait au moins un besoin “vital” au niveau pro ^^ (rapport à la reduc employé Apple).

    • Au contraire c’est hyper utile, même quand on pense que ça ne l’est pas… on fini par ne plus s’en passer (je l’ai constaté sur plusieures personnes de mon entourage), c’est un vrai piège ce petit joujou Vampire

  1. J’en ai offert un pour l’anniversaire de mon père (par contre en blanc Frown ) , il est vraiment top

    En tout cas le coup de la reduc , je trouve ça balèze.

    T’as fait gravé quelque chose derrière ?

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