#Castlevania & Game Boy, retrospective in pictures.

Added this week a dozen references in the item collection and a new Japanese Guide Book. I focused on the Castlevania games / Akumajo Dracula on various Nintendo Game Boy. I must say that for a lover of 2D action-adventure and platform-, the duo Nintendo and Konami has often worked well with this license. It left for an overview of all these games, just after the jump in the ticket below.

Start with the games released on the Game Boy monochrome, first name :

Dracula Densetsu / Castlevania: The Adventure (1989 Japan)

Dracula Densetsu II / Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (1991 Japan)

Akumajō Special Boku Dracula-kun / Kid Dracula (1993 Japan)

Dracula Akumajō Shikkokutaru Zensōkyoku / Castlevania Legends (1997 Japan)

Konami GB Collection Vol. 1 (1997 Japan)

Castlevania DX, Hack a Chinese.

Now for the games Game Boy Advance :

Akumajō Dracula Circle of the Moon (2001 Japan)

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (2002 Japan)

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (2003 Japan)

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow KONAMI OFFICIAL GUIDE

Castlevania Double Pack (2006 in Europe)

And finally, let us not forget even if it is a port Famicom Disk : Akumajō Dracula Famicom Mini Series Vol.29 / Castlevania Classic Nes (2004 Japan)

Here end our adventures Transylvanian pocket, I do not think I have forgotten. For those who want even more, as usual, + info, + scans and + d’images await you through the menu Collection (or by clicking on the titles of the games of this post).

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12 thoughts on “#Castlevania & Game Boy, retrospective in pictures.

  1. As a new reader of your blog, I remain amazed by your collection of the Castlevania series. There are even episodes I do not know anything (Kid Dracula for example) and I found by browsing this page. At the same time it is quite normal considering that most of them are out on the Japanese territory !

    • Welcome to the blog Smile
      Kid Dracula was released in Japan and the United States, and also the Famicom. It is true that this is a title often forgotten when talking about the Castlevania saga. Yet it is very enjoyable to play, kawai and refreshing, I really recommend.

          • Well you learn a lot of stuff here Cool I would sleep less stupid tonight !
            Otherwise I've seen gameplay videos of Kid Dracula on youtube, and it is true that the game is very nice, and very fun to play at first glance.

  2. You have to admit, Japanese cover art dépotent !
    About me, this is the first game that my favor because it is one of my first games GB (despite the handling of Simon, feet in concrete blocks with lead and more). Grin

  3. Note in the instructions that Japanese castlevania for visual checks are made on a prototype of GBA, one shown at E3 2000: two shell models “platinum” with turquoise buttons (that of the record) or orange buttons.

    I remember the era that I would have preferred to have a model like that of E3, in hindsight I think ultimately that purple was of much better taste but has not found its audience, I think I have seen articles announcing the era that the color purple to be stopped occurred during the second wave of color, I do not troll this base was a time when Nintendo was still taking risks in the field of design and was not content to follow the trend of notebooks or even pumping in others (apple and other).
    At around the same time the design of the GameCube was damn bold compared to the competition and what was done in the past, This design was part of the rather large side Deco furniture designer (the design of the GC is reminiscent of the line philippe stark for thomson). But I digress…

    • There was indeed 2 types of GBA in this style silver : the turquoise buttons (I wish I had at the time) and that the orange buttons. In fact they exist, they were among the first development kits GBA.

      • I did not know that the first dev kits had these models GBA… Thank you for the info!

        Possessed even you yourself kits dev and game prototypes? we have the right to an article on this topic?

        • I say this because I vividly remember an interview of creator of Lady Sia at the time, and they just had their game on the GBA there.

          Unfortunately I have neither console nor proto game, otherwise it would have been pleased that I had done an article on it Smile

  4. Nice kid all that Dracula was also released in France in fah and of other European countries,unfortunately found today only uk 3 Full copies are identified among collectors castlevania.

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